Success Stories
SPOT Low Vision Center
Dolunay Kocabağ prepared for the exam with mini telescopic glass.
She took 500 full points by answering all the questions with 92% visual loss
Dolunay Kocabağ talked to Channel24,, Video - Youtube
Youtube My biggest dream is being a good pianist, Haber - Sabah
Sabah Dolunay Kocabağ, Student
SPOT Low Vision Center
Her nystagmus diminished. My daughter was not able to see distance, and now she reads the blackboard at school easily and all her grades rised up to “A” now. She had problems in the house, at school, in everywhere and now all of them are over.
She couldn’t recognize me at distance, now she can easily recognize and comes to me. On sunny days she was closing her eyes, now she doesn’t. She goes to school and returns on her own now, while before we took her.
Now she can use the school bus alone. This is a miracle for us.
Berrunur Işık’s father Yusuf Işık, Karabük
SPOT Low Vision Center
I feel quite free with the telescopic glass. I can easily perform my occupation; the marketing.
Driving with Mini Telescopic Eyeglasses
Serkan Atlı, Çorlu
SPOT Low Vision Center
I am Yaşar Okumuş, I'm 45 and a lawyer for 21 years.
My vision rate is 5% and it becomes 10% with the spectacles. I have completed my primary and secondary schools, high school and university by means of a hand-magnifier. I could never read the blackboard. It was a nightmare for me trying to read just anything.
In 2005, I've met the binocular-shaped telescopes. I was using two different telescopes to see far and near. Although they were aesthetically looking very ugly, my priority was seeing well.
The year of 2010 was a brand new beginning for me; so to say my life started again. The 1 cm-long little window, that my Professor had invented, was a miracle to me. I no longer needed magnifiers nor binoculars and I could now see far and near with a single spectacle and the miracle spectacles' telescope diameter is less than centimeter.
Watching TV from a distance, using the computer, reading books, writing, reading what is written on the signs across the road, seeing the bus-sign that goes to our neighborhood before the bus approaches, recognizing who is coming towards you, greeting them and talking to them, seeing the screen of cellular phones... Earlier I was not experiencing all these things. My vision rate of 10% with spectacles improved to 50% with this miracle telescopic spectacle. Now life is five times easier and faster for me.
I thank God for this miracle spectacle and I would also like to express my thanks to the inventor of this miracle; Prof. Dr. Ahmet TEMEL.
God bless you, Professor.
Av. Yaşar Okumuş, Lawyer/Çorum
Sunt fost pilot de supersonic din Fortele Aeriene Romane, am zburat 25 de ani cu MIG 21 si vedeam avionul inamic la 2000 m. La 10 ani de la pensionare am pierdut vederea centrala, iar dupa o operatie nereusita vad doar cu ochiul stang (20/400).
Viata mea s-a schimbat cand l-am descoperit pe doctorul Ahmet Temel inventatorul unui telescop bioptic foarte mic si discret, dar care te ajuta extraordinar de mult! Inainte mergeam foarte concentrat sa observ obstacolele, nu distingeam fetele decat de la 1 m, nu distingeam figurile de la TV, culoarea semafoarelor.
Acum, cu telescopul bioptic montat, am inceput sa disting fetele celor dragi, figurile de la TV, vad culoarea semafoarelor, obstacolele, scrisul de pe panouri, am reinceput sa citesc cursiv, lucrez la calculator, am o viata normala. Am mare ambitie sa continui, deoarece am vazut ajutorul imens al micutului telescop bioptic.
Dumnezeu sa te binecuvanteze profesore AHMET!
Comandor Constantin Comsa,, Bucharest – Romania, 06 August 2014
I am a former supersonic pilot of Romanian Air Force, I flew for 25 years with MIG 21 and I could see the enemy plane at 2000 m. After 10 years from retirement I have lost central vision and after an unsuccessful surgery I can only see with my left eye (20 / 400).
My life changed when I discovered Dr. Ahmet Temel, the inventor of a very small and discreet bioptic telescope, but that helps tremendously! Before I was walking much focused to notice obstacles and I couldn’t distinguish faces more than 1 m or faces from TV, or the color of traffic lights.
Now with bioptic telescope mounted, I began to distinguish the faces of those dear, faces on TV, I see the color of traffic lights, barriers, writing on the boards, I restarted to read fluently, I work at the computer, I have a normal life. I have great ambition to continue, as I’ve seen the huge help of this little bioptic telescope.
God bless you, professor AHMET!
Comandor Constantin Comsa,, Bucharest – Romania, 06 August 2014
SPOT Low Vision Center
My vision decreased after the brain operation I had in 1992. I’m the patient of Dr.Ahmet since 2005.
I was using the first telescopic glass which he provided me only for watching television and reading, yet I couldn’t wear it among the people as it was a little ugly.
I can now easily walk around on the street with my mini telescopic glass which I recently took and I am very pleased.
Burcu Sevinç, Karadeniz Ereğlisi, Zonguldak
SPOT Low Vision Center
I was using another brand of telescopic glass before I came here. I came here and started to use mini telescopic glass.
I was using my old-style telescopic only at home. I am now quite comfortable with my current mini telescopic glass. I can easily wander, read books and perform all my works on my own. In short, this glass became my partner.
Emre Emekli, Ankara